Who we are

K12 Advisory Services was founded by Matt Lewis, a 20-year veteran of the Michigan public school finance industry. As a transplant from the private sector, Matt brought an outside perspective into education administration from the start of his career in schools, and he has leveraged that outsider’s view to continue to ask questions that drive efficiency and results.

Over a career spanning multiple “once in a career” systemic shocks (the proliferation of choice competitors, the adoption of one-to-one student technology, the heightened importance of school security, the Great Recession, and COVID to name several), Matt has helped to lead five districts through challenging times. His experiences include having twice run consolidated business operations with neighboring districts; the closure and sale of several school properties; successful bond (over $130 million) and sinking fund elections; multiple operating millage renewals; the consolidation of two high schools; the rebranding and reorganization of an entire district; long-term facilities planning and construction oversight; acting as lead negotiator on a dozen CBA settlements, several during concessionary periods; multiple districtwide changes to health plans; and multiple software conversions.

Leaning on a network of other seasoned and talented education and private sector professionals, Matt and K12 Advisory Services can draw from a deep well of firsthand experiences to provide district leaders with the guidance needed to successfully navigate any challenging situation.