We provide custom reporting and insightful peer comparisons for Michigan public school districts. No contracts. No software to learn. No wasted hours combing through public datasets. We deliver actionable data right to your inbox.

Student performance and demographics, staffing, facilities, financial performance, enrollment projections, salary schedule comparisons, schools of choice analysis—we cover all the bases.

Our Products

District Snapshot and Comparison Reports

Detailed Expenditure Report

Schools of Choice Profile

Enrollment History & Projections

Salary Schedule Comparison

10-yr District M-STEP History by Grade, Content, and Subgroup

Our Services

Customized Reporting

Do you have a state or federal compliance report coming due and need to present specific data? Has your board asked for information you don’t have the time to research, synthesize, and compile? Do you have a district initiative in mind but need objective data to support prioritizing funding away from other uses? We can start with a blank slate and create the solution that fits your needs.

Collective Bargaining Financial Strategy

Many districts are one bad contract settlement away from financial disaster. With nearly 80 percent of a typical district’s budget being allocated to labor costs, settling fair and affordable contracts is the most important job of district leaders. Period. Student performance and experience are your most important outcomes, but staffing successful and sustainable operations is how you get there, and that starts at the bargaining table.

Business Office Process Review

Have you recently received an audit finding related to internal control deficiencies? Have you experienced unpleasant budget or accounting surprises? Perhaps you’ve had key-position turnover in a small business office and want to set up your new team for success. We can review your current processes and provide proven solutions for improvement.

Bond Issue Informational Campaign Planning

Let us help communicate your prudent financial stewardship to your community. Educate your electorate with objective measures related to your facilities, taxes, and ability to generate capital improvement funds relative to similar organizations.

No express advocacy. Just the facts.

Construction Accounting and Cost-Tracking Setup

New to bond issues and construction? We can help get your accounting in order and set you up to successfully track project costs and change orders over the duration of your construction process.

Mentorship for New Business Officials

Public school finance is a highly specialized field with relatively high turnover and a small pool of experienced applicants. Districts are often forced to hire talented individuals from outside the industry and hope they get up to speed quickly. We can help your new hire make a smooth transition to this unique environment and ensure they can see the forest and competently navigate through the trees.

Contact Us

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